Tuesday 17 May 2011

Window Shopping

I have never understood, window shopping- what is the attraction- you’re not going to buy so why torment yourself with seeing all those delightful items you’d like, but for some reason or another can’t have? Seems an unnecessary form of torture, this then spills over to trying clothes on, why do so many people, go into shops announcing they can’t afford any item or aren’t going to buy it, but still try it on?  What is the point? If you look fantastic then you must feel really sad that you can’t have it. If you look awful is that supposed to make you feel better in some warped way- about not being able to have it?? Does either make up for the disappointment felt in either case?
Personally, window shopping is a pointless exercise that generates feelings only of disappointment, sadness and frustration. Or is it only me? Am I missing something here?

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